Straight (2009) – Watch Hindi DVD Movie Review

Cast: Vinay Pathak,Gul Panag,Siddharth Makkar,Achla Sachdev,Daman Baggan,Ketaki Dave,Anuj Chaudhary,Rasik Dave and others
Screenplay: Anahata Menon, Uttam Gada
Story Writer: Uttam Gada
Director: Parvathi Balgopalan
Producer: Shripal Morakhia, Charlotte Wontner

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Straight DVD Download Hindi Movie :

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Plot Summary:

Pinu Patel (Vinay Pathak), a London-based restauranteer, is plagued by similar problems. Having been stood up by the bride on his wedding day, he is saddled with his virginity till doomsday. Or so he thinks, for he doesn’t have the moves that would charm a girl. But hey, is that the real problem or is his effusive, overtly affectionate cook cum stand-up comedian (Ayush Choudhry) the crux of his dilemma. Pinu is forced to review his situation, once he begins dreaming about the boyish Ayush who nonchalantly plants a kiss on his lips and follows him with puppy dog devotion. The confusion gets compounded, specially since Pinu doesn’t seem to have the hots for his comely cashier (Gul Panag) and turns green whenever the cashier and the cook get cosy.

Is straight-jacketed Pinu ready to accept his alternate sexual preferences, specially since he admits he’s revolted by the very though that he just might be gay? It takes a lot of brotherly advice from his gay Gujju cousin and a clandestine encounter with his cashier to show him the truth: love is love, any which way. Straight or gay.

Low key and light-hearted, the film cruises along untrodden paths, with Vinay Pathak cementing his place as a tedha-medha (read unconventional) actor who successfully dares to go solo.