JIPMER MBBS 2008 Entrance Examination
MBBS Entrance Examination
Jawaharlal Institute of Post-Graduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER)
Dhanvantri Nagar,
Ponicherry - 605006, India
Admission to MBBS
JIPMER M.B.B.S Admission (July 2008 Session)
Important Dates
Last Date for receipt of application:
31.3.2008 (Monday)
Important regarding receipt of applications will be available on JIPMEWR website by 05.5.2008 (Monday)
Hall Ticket to be issued by
10.5.2008 (Saturday)
Entrance Examination
08.6.2008 (Sunday)
Allotment of seat by personal appearance
10.7.2008 (Thursday)
Commencement of Academic session
14.7.1008 (Monday)
Last Date of admission
30.9.20008 (Tuesday)
Educational Qualifications: Candidates for admission to the M.B.B.S. course should have passed the qualifying examination as under:
a)The Higher Secondary Examination (or) the Indian School Certificate Examination which is equivalent to 10+2 Higher Secondary Examination after a period of 12 year study, the last 2 years of study comprising of Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Botany & Zoology with English at a level not less than the core course for English as prescribed by the National Council for Education Research and Training after the introduction of 10+2+3 years educational structure as recommended by the National Committee on Education and must have passed in the subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Botany & Zoology and English individually and must have obtained a minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry and Biology / Botany & Zoology at the qualifying examination. For Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates, the minimum marks in the qualifying examination will be 40%.
b)The candidates who have passed the qualifying examination other than those mentioned in the list appended in Annexure-I will have to submit an eligibility certificate from the Pondicherry University before admission is finalized.
Candidates who have appeared or will be appearing in the qualifying examination in March/April 2008 and whose results have not yet been declared can also apply for admission, if they are otherwise eligible. They will, however, be admitted to the Institute only if they satisfy the requirement.
It is the responsibility of the candidates to ascertain whether they possess the requisite qualifications for admission. Having been called for written test / counseling does not necessarily mean acceptance of the eligibility. Eligibility for admissions in doubtful cases will be decided in consultation with the Pondicherry University.
Prospectus and Application Forms (A&B) can be obtained on cash payment of Rs.500 (unreserved) and Rs.400/- (SC/ST) from the Bank of Baroda Extension Counter only at the basement of Administrative building, JIPMER, from 18-02-2008 to 31-03-2008. The bank timings when the applications will be available are 9.30 am to 1.30 pm on all working days (Monday to Friday) and from 9.30 am to 12.00 pm on Saturdays.
Application forms can also be had from Professor (Academic), JIPMER, Puducherry - 605 006 up to 27th March 2008 through postal requests, accompanied by a M.I.C.R. Bank Draft of Rs.500/- (Unreserved) and Rs.400/- (SC/ST) drawn in favour of "Accounts Officer, JIPMER" payable at any Nationalized Bank in Puducherry, Union Territory. A 10 cm x 7 cm Self Addressed Label must accompany the postal request for correct delivery of the Application Forms.
JIPMER MBBS 2008 application can be submitted by an ON-LINE process (internet based) by accessing him Website: www.jipmer.edu during 18-02-2008 to 27-03-2008. The candidate should first pay the non-refundable application fee of Rs.500/- (Unreserved) and Rs.400/- (SC/ST) by obtaining a demand draft as mentioned above. The draft details are required while filling up on-line form. Candidates are required to take a print of a single online application form after successful submission of data. The printed Form with candidate's signature, left thumb print and photograph and the demand draft must be sent by Speed Post so as to reach the Professor (Academic), JIPMER, Puducherry - 605 006 by 31st March, 2008. Attested copies of SC/ST certificates, medical certificate in support of disability must be enclosed with the application forms wherever applicable, Failure to enclose these certificates will render the completed applications (both Off-line and Online) ineligible for entrance examination.
RS.500 (unreserved)
and Rs.400/- (SC/ST) from the Bank of Baroda Extension Counter only at the basement of Administrative building, JIPMER, from 18-02-2008 to 31-03-2008.
On-line applications will be issued Hall-Ticket for Entrance Examination only after the postal receipt of the completed form, Bank Draft and necessary enclosures by the Office of Professor (Academic), JIPMER. On-line applicants while sending the completed form must indicate the centre preferred by them for the Entrance Examination on the Postal Cover.
For Enquiries Please Contact:
Tel. 0413-2272380 to 390
Extension No. 3102
JIPMER, Puducherry-605006
Tel. 0413-2272066
Fax. 2272066
For Online Registration Visit: www.jipmer.edu